We believe that the key to our investment success in the past and on into the future is that we concentrate and focus all our resources, energy, research, and time into a few, select opportunities which we assess to be deeply undervalued and where we view the risk/reward profile as highly skewed in our favor.
At Focus Capital Management, we aim to invest in just 4-5 positions at any one time. We believe that this highly concentrated approach is the root of our success, offering many benefits:
Concentration means that we select only our most compelling investment ideas. We pick great investments, and we don’t dilute them with ideas that are mediocre or merely good.
Concentration allows us to do deep research and analysis and to really understand the company we are investing in –its inner workings, its competitors, its industry –everything about the investment.
Concentration drives higher returns by allowing our winners to really move the needle for the overall portfolio.
Concentration reduces risk by our thoroughly vetting and stress-testing every investment in a way that would be impossible to do if we weren't so concentrated.
Concentration allows us to closely monitor our positions, keeping up-to-date and informed on any news potentially impacting the company or industry.